Food, Family and Traveling

Episode 20: I took notes so you didn’t have to….We talked about the following in this episode….Today we are talking all about Food, Family and Traveling with the incredible, Pamela Nedbalek Fraser

You guys have sent in some amazing questions about family friendly topics, from how to travel with kids, to how to get picky kids to eat more of a variety of foods and so much more. Since I don’t have any children beyond a 95lb fur baby I had to enlist a good friend of mine who is an expert at being a parent and someone who I love and adore!

Are you thinking of traveling with kids across country or maybe internationally? No fear Pam is here and recommends the following tips!

  • First and foremost, DO IT! Do travel with your kids. It’s so important to have this incredible experiences with your kids and it’ll help them want to travel more when they are older and also experiences cultures outside of your own is a wonderful way to open your eyes and understand the people of this magical world so much more.

  • With the kiddos make sure that they have a great meal before you get on the plane.

  • Make sure the kiddos have headphones with a jack so they can use it with their little tvs on the plane because even though you have a full iPad of stuff to watch they will want to watch what’s on the plane too.

  • Hold off on the iPad AS LONG AS YOU CAN before getting on the plane and try waiting as long as you can on the plane before you hand them the iPad.

  • Using something like Melissa and Doug Watercolor Painting and a watercolor paint brush like this one.

  • Kids Melatonin can also be a good option but speak to your doctor first before giving your kids anything.

  • You will be surprised how accommodating people in the world are when it comes to children. You might get some VIP treatment in places you didn’t expect when you have your little ones.

  • While you are out and about traveling with your kids think about activities and places they might be interested in going too. It doesn’t have to be Disney Land or anything like that but maybe it’s as simple as a bounce park for an hour, a museum that they would be interested in or a cool public outdoor park. But it’s their vacation too and if you do something they would like to do maybe once a day it’ll make your life easier that they will go along with things you want to do.

Trying to get your kids to learn another language:

  • Youtube kids shows that they love in the language you are trying to teach them, like Peppa the Pig!

  • Muzzy from the BBC is also a great learning tool as well as fun kids books in the languages you are trying to teach them.

  • Practice makes perfect. It’s not easy to speak to your kids in a second language when all of the parents don’t speak at a fluent level but keep at it. Your kids will thank you when they are older!

  • Also having podcasts, audiobooks and songs in the language you are trying to learn or teach your kids on in the background throughout the day. It’s the little things that make a difference

When going out to eat traveling or at home with kids:

  • Ask your kids what they want to eat before you guys are planning on going out. And get them whatever they want to eat, get them full and then go out to dinner with you and your partner.

  • Hold off on iPad time until you are at the restaurant

  • If they are still hungry at the restaurant, get them a snack and a drink they should be all set.

  • And if at all possible, get a sitter if you can. You and your partner deserve a quiet night out too!

  • We understand it can be challenging to bring your kids out but it’s a great opportunity to teach them manners in public and with some patience and planning it can be a great experience for everyone.

Picky eaters:

  • Pam started young with her kids. She would puree what she was eating for her kids to help broaden their tastebuds but again consult your doctor before giving your kids anything that may cause concern.

  • Pam likes to try a few tacts when getting her kids to try new things…patience is HUGE with this. Ask them many times to keep trying things. They might not like something one day but the next could fall in love with it.

  • Withhold things until they try it. Whatever they might love or want (i.e. dessert or new toys or iPad time).

  • Be firm and stay strong. Don’t give in to them and make them something else if possible.

  • And when in doubt, bribing and threatening is totally acceptable and no judgement on our end!

  • If your kids are older and picky or might have different dietary requirements than you do then go for those “make your own” style recipes. Maybe it’s tacos, different kinds of rice or salad bowls. People can make their own plates and put what they want on it.

Weeknight dinner for anyone who is busy:

  • Planning is your friend! Meal planning and meal prepping is a huge time saver.

  • Your slow cooker, dutch oven and instant pot are your friends here. Anything that can be more of a “set it and forget” style meal is helpful! (see a few ideas below)

  • Cookbooks like this Meal Prep Skinnytaste cookbook has some great ideas and tips!

  • Store bought sauces can be your friend too. Pam loves the Trader Joe’s Tikka Masala sauce with some chicken in her slow cooker. Cook some veggies and serve it over rice! Super easy!

  • If worse comes to worse get take out! Give yourself a break and a night off! You deserve it

Breakfast tips when you don’t have a lot of time:

  • Make ahead breakfast sandwiches or burritos and put them in the freezer for easy grab and go weekday breakfast.

  • Buttermilk pancakes batter that is ready to go in the fridge and you could also turn this into waffles in a waffle maker.

  • Or buttermilk pancakes that you already made, put in the freezer and pop in the toaster when you are ready to eat it.

  • Yogurt and fruit

  • Magic Spoon cereal

  • Make ahead egg cups, quiche or frittata

  • Turkey bacon, turkey sausage and other types of breakfast meats or non-meat proteins too

Snack ideas:

  • Hand fruit out all the time in the house

  • Crackers with peanut butter or another nut butter

  • Strawberries with chocolate hummus

  • Deli meat rolled up with a piece of cheese

  • Or just cheese

  • Carrots with peanut butter or another nut butter

Food, Food and more Food:

Now go forth and cook some amazing food!!

Beth Fuller is a Boston based Food, Product and Lifestyle Photographer. One of the best ways to support the podcast and Beth is to write a review wherever you listen, like the podcast on your favorite platform and please keep Beth in mind for any photography projects as a gal has got to pay her bills!

If you have a question and want it to be featured on the podcast please email either the question or a voice memo to Are you on instagram? Tag me in your food adventures, @letsgoonafoodadventure. Do you want to work together with food and product photography, drop me a line here!






Pasta, Pasta and More Pasta